Monday, March 8, 2010

Seed starting

Yesterday I started some seeds in a seed starter tray.
I started 5 little guys of each of the following: lavender, basil, sweet pepper, jalapeno peppers, tomatoes (plum-like variety), turnips, catnip, and...I can't remember what else.
I placed them in the front window in the second bedroom; a space that Sally often likes to sit (at least, on the weekends she does, likely because we sleep in and don't open the blinds in our bedroom). I hope she doesn't knock them over or dig at them in anger.
I spritzed them right after planting, and again this morning. I'm assuming they'll get between 6 and 7 hours of direct sunlight there. Justin is attempting to find a bulb to hang over them so that they get more sunlight (like 12 - 16 hours). Yay seeds!

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