Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Problems on day two

I've done some reading & decided that my method of starting seeds was not the correct one. I've now put clear plastic wrap over top of them, taken them out of the sunny window, and placed them on top of the fridge (to keep the soil temperature warm). In the move, however, I jostled a few more plants. I believe to have ruined some of the rosemary. Sometimes I feel like throwing them all out and starting again. I also think that I put too many seeds in each pot.

I've noticed that a few of the turnip seeds have started to germinate. Maybe all we'll have in the summer is turnip juice for all!

Old Shelbyvillian Man: And with that, a mighty cheer went up from the heroes of Shelbyville. They had banished the awful lemon tree forever, because it was haunted. Now let's all celebrate with a cool glass of turnip juice.

Justin and I also measured our garden this afternoon. We are thinking of putting in one 12' X 7' raised bed to start this year. We don't want to do too much and overwhelm ourselves. We also don't want to fail too greatly (we only want small-scale failure). We are also thinking of hosting a clean-up-the-yard party in exchange for some beers.

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